General Rules
1. Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library.
2. Strict silence must be observed in the library.
3. Personal belongings, textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not to be taken inside the library. They are to be kept in the Property Counter at the library entrance.
4. Library borrower cards as well as loaned documents are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
5. Refreshment of any kind is not entertained anywhere in the library premises.
6. Users must ensure that rights of other users of the Library are not breached in anyway by their own acts of commission or omission.
7. Students are required to handle the books/ Journals very carefully; marking with pencil, writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be dealt very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.
8. Theft and mutilation of the library books, damage or defacing of the library property, and indulging in unlawful activities, indecent or socially unacceptable behaviour will be construed as serious misconduct and people indulging in, encouraging or abating such activities and in possession of unauthorized library books are liable to punitive measures by the college authorities.
9. Books taken out of the shelves must be left on the trolley kept nearby. Replacing the documents on shelves by users is not encouraged as the documents may get misplaced.
10. Suggestions on all aspects of library services are welcome and they can be posted on the feedback box kept at the entrance of the library.
Admission to Library:
1. Only students, researchers, faculty and staff as registered members, are allowed to use the Central Library.
2. With special permission form the librarian and authorisation from their guide, researchers from other institutions also can enrol as members.
3. Members are allowed to the library only on production of their authorized/valid identity cards
4. Users may swipe their identity card at the gate entry monitoring system.
Working Hours

On Working Day - 9.30 am- 4.30 pm

On Holidays - 10.00 am- 4.00 pm

Circulation of Documents:


Number of books the users can borrow form the library
                o Teaching Staff (Permanent) – 8
                o Teaching Staff (Contract)) – 3
                o Post Graduate Students – 3
                o Graduate Students – 2
                o Non Teaching Staff (Permanent) – 1


1. A books is issued for a period of 14 days and an overdue charge of ₹ 1/- will be levied for each day after the due date.
2. Failure to pay fine in time will result in the forfeiture of the right to borrow books till fines are paid.
3. Books will be reissued for not more than two times. After that the borrower must return the book(s).
4. Loss of borrower card should be reported to the librarian. Duplicate card may be issued against formal application and fine.
5. Books will be issued on presentation of the library card along with the ID card. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.
6. If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay three times the face value of the books, after getting permission from the librarian.
7. Students are not allowed to borrow books on behalf of others or transfer the borrowed materials to other students
Reference Section:
1. This section has Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Textbooks, Journals, General Magazines, Newsletter, Reference books, etc. which are only available for reference.
2. Reference books, journals / periodicals, magazines/newspapers, CD-ROM databases and other documents declared “For Reference” by the Librarian will not be issued and they should not be taken outside the Library.
Reprographic Facility (Xerox)
1. Photocopying service is available for members of the library at nominal charges. All photocopying must comply with copyright legislation.
2. Some items in the Library cannot be copied because of copyright laws, poor condition, or donor restrictions.

Working Hours
Monday to Friday 10.00am – 04.00pm
E-Library is to be used for academic purposes only.

The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff /any other member or violating the above mentioned rules of the Library.